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Arizona Cheese Crisp
Serves 2
Alternative Ingredients are listed in Red

Qty Size Ingredient
1 13" Alejandros White Flour Tortilla
¼ cup Salted Butter
cups Medium Aged Wisconsin Cheddar
Colby-Jack Cheese
Optional Toppings *

Preheat an oven to 350º.

Butter tortilla making sure to cover the entire surface.  Bake 5-10 minutes until tortilla ia puffy and lightly browned.

Remove from oven and cover evennly with cheese to within ½" of edge so it doesn't flow off the side.

Apply toppings as desired.

Return to oven for an additional 2-3 minutes until cheese is thoroughly melted.

Remove and slice 3 ways (6 large slices) or 4 ways (8 smaller slices) with pizza wheel and serve hot.


    * Sauted, skinned Green Chiles.
    * Sun dried tomatoes.
    * Diced tomatoes, sliced avacado and lime juice.
    * Chiffonade onions and Celantro.
    * Pico de Gallo or Salsa.
    * Jalapeno pepper coins.

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